
Showing posts from August, 2015

They Don't Like Saltine Crackers

I dreamed I was visiting a country in Europe. I won't say the name of the country because I feel I've already maybe insulted the people of Canada in The Canadian Duck . I don't want to start looking like I think everybody else is strange. I guess this one doesn't do that though. In this dream they think I'm strange. I was staying with some people in this country I was visiting and I decided to make them a meal. The meal of choice was chili. I don't make chili very special or anything like that. I just follow the directions on the back of the spice packet. But I thought maybe it would be a nice meal that I could make that would taste okay, and I though maybe they didn't usually have it. That's when they began to question me. The recipe calls for kidney beans. They couldn't believe I'd use something like kidney beans in the chili. I kept telling them that this is what the recipe said to use, but they just seemed even more puzzled for some reas...

The Five Second Vampire

One of the shortest dreams I will describe here is my most recent one where I dreamed I was a vampire. The dream probably lasted only about five seconds. I swooped down from above at my victim. That's it. The dream ended before I got to him. The dream happened because of several things. Some of them are disturbing and some of them are very good. I think maybe I'll start with the good and end with what I was disturbed by. When I was a kid I used to have very intense nightmares where I was being stalked and victimized by demons. These dreams lasted well into adulthood. I finally learned how to fight back against them, and I turned the tables on them. The victim became the aggressor. I learned to be the dominant figure in my dreams. I also learned that the dream world is a world of thought. If you can learn to think consciously there, then you can command and manipulate everything there. That doesn't always happen if it's not a very intense dream, but when it does it...

Children Of The Zombie Apocalypse

I dreamed I was a kid. That sounds kind of fun until I tell you I was a kid in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It's no fun at any age to be hunted by flesh eating zombies, but it can be even worse for a child to experience this. I guess the one good thing about the dream is that it was a long time into this zombie apocalypse. After awhile most of the zombies just slowed down and finally died. The only real problem was that the virus that caused people to turn into zombies was still doing its thing in lots of living people, turning them into zombies still. There was a large group of people, including whole families, who had barricaded themselves in the upper floors of a tall building in the middle of a now destroyed city. I was one of the many children in that group. One of the main problems with the kids was that some of them quite often spontaneously turned into child zombies and started eating people. You can imagine it wasn't a very pretty sight whenever that happen...

The Idiot Superhero

This next dream is one like I've never had before. I dreamed I was a superhero. A bad superhero. I mean one who is incompetent, not a bad guy or villain. I became a superhero by bumbling my way into the wrong situation, but I don't remember the details of that part. I ended up near a situation where there was an active volcano. The government had plans to fire two missiles into the volcano to close it up. For some reason this volcano had opened up right at a turn on a freeway in the metro area, so it was important to fix it quickly. The missile strike on the volcano would be quick and easy without even interrupting traffic. By coincidence, I was riding on a bus, heading right for the volcano, when they were about to fire the missiles. I had to ride the bus sometimes as my normal self so nobody would discover my true identity as the superhero. My super sense told me that they were firing the missiles, so I decided to help make sure everything worked out okay. When they fir...

Look Out For Imps

My dream self is kind of obsessed with demons. I think it comes from all the years I've had encountering them in my dreams. They're really not fun at all, but I've had to deal with them in the dreams or they keep coming back. If I don't put a stop to a demon I meet then I'll keep having recurring dreams about it until I do something to stop it. So I'm constantly on the lookout for them. My most recent dream is an aggravating kind that I've had before. It involves, kind of, a particularly annoying, and I mean annoying and not as scary as some others, kind of demon I've come to know that I call imps. These imps are ugly little guys with pale skin and young faces. The reason for the pale skin is because they are somehow related to maggots. They have very sharp teeth and they like to suck out your soul by biting your back. They swear they're not vampires. The first thing you feel if you're lying on your side is something lying there behind you. Y...

Checking For Demons

I found myself standing there in what I think of as the Dream World. I was in a house that seemed very familiar but I didn't think I had really ever been there before. I quickly began to think that something was very wrong. Something bad was happening. I looked around to find out if I could see what was wrong. That's when I saw a closed door in one of the walls of the room. That's when I thought maybe I knew what was wrong, what was bad. Demons! My dream self knows demons very well. I've learned how to fight them and defeat them. You never want to see a demon of this kind in your dreams. They don't look like monsters or anything like that. They look like very evil and ugly, distorted humans. They are the scariest, most dangerous things you might ever encounter. I have to say that I used to be terrified of these things, but I learned a long time ago not to have any fear of them. They feed on fear. Once I learned that all my fear vanished and I learned that the...

My Younger Brothers

This is kind of an ordinary one, but I think I should mention it so you can see what my dreams are like. I dreamed it was back when I was in my early teens. I was relaxing on the couch watching the Presidential debates for some reason. All of a sudden my two younger brothers came running through the room, the older one chasing the younger one. They turned and ran right over the couch and right over me. Of course I was irritated, but they were already through. Then they came back for another turn. As they headed right for me I yelled at them, "Get out of here!" As soon as I did, they both turned in unison to yell for our mother, who was in maybe another room or something, "Mom, he's picking on us!" This kind of thing actually happened quite a bit when I was a kid. Sometimes our mom would believe them and sometimes she wouldn't. But either way it was always a rotten thing to do to an older brother. I don't hold a grudge against them though. It wa...

The Canadian Duck

Last night I had a dream about a Canadian duck. No, not a Canada Duck. This duck was a winter holiday meal eaten in Canada. I dreamed that every winter there was a holiday where each and every Canadian person, old and young, baked a softball sized duck that was wrapped in bacon and smothered in butter. The ingredients of duck, bacon, and butter are very important. Each duck must be the same. The duck meal is so important that even if you are in a life or death situation you must save the duck before saving even yourself. In fact, in the dream there were several Canadian celebrities in a plane crash with their ducks. The news people only wanted to know if the ducks were saved. They were relieved to find out the celebrities made it out alive, but they asked about their ducks first. I wish I could remember more details than that, but that's my latest strange dream as far as I can remember. What do you think? Am I insane? Or do you dream similar things? Let me know.


I have always had very strange dreams. In this blog I think I have come up with an idea that nobody has ever thought of before. I am going to publish what I can remember from my strange dreams so others can see what they're like. Maybe you'll be entertained by them and maybe you won't. I am going to tell you right now that some of these dreams may be politically incorrect or just plain offensive. I can't help what I dream about, and I'm not going to censor anything. All I can do is tell the truth about what I experience. If you don't like what you see then stop reading. I still hope you'll be entertained by what lurks in the mind of a dreaming Rat. These posts will all be personal accounts of actual dreams I've had. I don't have a schedule for when posts will written. I'll write down my dreams when they happen. Let me know what you think in the comments section of each post. Tell me if you think they're freaky or if you think my dreams ma...